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38mm Long PTFE Tube for hotend 2mm ID x 4mm OD

  • Sale
  • Regular price $1.50

  • SKU: 71238

This short tube inside the hotend and is approximately 38mm long.



  • One end of the inside of the tube is chamfered (beveled)
  • The inside chamfered end is the top 
  • The overall length tolerance of this part is +/-1mm long
  • 2mm ID X 4mm OD 
  • Quantity One Part





  1. Observe slight inside taper (chamfer) of PTFE tubing. This inside taper is the top. This helps guide the filament.
  2. Position jam nut almost completely threaded onto the knurled adjuster or Y adapter.
  3. Screw in the adjuster or Y adapter assembly into the heat sink by hand (no tools) until some resistance is felt. The resistance will be slight compression of the PTFE squeezed between the heat break at the bottom and knurled adjuster (or Y adapter), then stop (see next step).
  4. No tools, turn 1/4 further to slightly compress the PTFE tube. We estimate this rotation and end somewhere 1/4 turn or slightly further.
  5. Then use the blue SeeMeCNC hotend spanner wrench or needle nose pliers to firmly tighten the jam nut to the PCB. 
  6. Install the nylon PTC locking clip(s)
  7. Seat the bowden tube again (after installation of the locking clips).
  8. Finished